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Game description and instructions
BattleShip: The Beginning
BattleShip: The BeginningBattleShip is a classical naval strategy game in which the player tries to sink the hidden ships of the computer, which has developed battle tactics. The game is made in style of the 16th century naval battles, and is imbued with the spirit of the battles of that time. During the game you can advance in ranks, buy different kinds of weapons and receive bonuses.

Strategically position your ships on the board. Fire shots at the enemy's territory, as you guess where the ships are hidden. Destroy your enemy before he crushes your fleet.

You can find hidden bonuses, located near the islands, by firing at them. If you want to advance in rank, win 5 games in a row, save more than 15 ships or win without losing a single ship.

BattleShip: The Beginning has been played 79,185 times.
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