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Game description and instructions
Picking Up Chicks Is Hard When Your Car Is A BMX
Picking Up Chicks Is Hard When Your Car Is A BMXPick up chicks in a retro side scrolling racer. The game plays like a platformer, collect coins and jump at the right time so you won't crash. Do tricks to get more points and bring along some girls hanging from your bike.

Press Z to slow down, press X to pedal harder. Use the space bar to make a bunny hop. Hold down longer to jump higher. The up and right arrow keys can be used to add force to throw a passenger. Press D to dump your passenger.

Tricks (Can only be done without carrying a passenger):

Up arrow (in air): Hold down to do a One Hand Tabletop. Release before you hit the ground.

Right arrow (in air): Hold down to do a Seatgrab. Release before you hit the ground.

Down arrow (in air): Hold down to do a Superman. Release before you hit the ground.

Left arrow (in air): Back Flip! To land a back flip you'll have to get all the way around and land flat.

Picking Up Chicks Is Hard When Your Car Is A BMX has been played 51,320 times.
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